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Global Marine Litter Solutions

The British Plastics Federation (BPF) launched a Marine Litter Platform to foster collaboration between the government, brands, retailers, academics, NGOs, manufacturers and recyclers to deliver the best solutions to this global problem.


The plastics industry and over 30 companies and organisations including Co-op, Danone Water, Marks and Spencer and Waitrose have agreed to take collaborative action and pledged to reduce waste and litter entering our oceans. 


Events took place on the following dates:



Upcoming Events due to take place on:


  • 6th July 2018

Global Plastics Alliance


In 2011 a voluntary global plastics industry pledge was declared to form a Global Plastics Alliance (GPA). It was formed to  collaboratively source solutions for marine litter and currently has

75 plastics organisations

and associations in 40 countries signed up to participate. Through this joint collaboration a number of projects  and events have been taken place and continuing worldwide initiatives take effect.


To find out more click here






Alliance To End Plastic Waste


The Alliance To End Plastic Waste (ATEPW) are an alliance of global companies in the plastics and consumer good value chain. Together they have 

Pledged $1.5 Billion 

over 5 years to help end plastic waste from entering the environment we live in.


The alliance is representative of organisations located throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East. This truly global initiative can make a significant difference over the next 5 years in the form of infrastructure development, innovation, education and research. 


To find out more click here





Trash on Beach
Trash on Beach
Plastic Polluted Ocean
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